Yes, we guarantee that we offer legit services, aiming to help anyone who is in need. you can trust us and enjoy the highly qualitative products at an affordable cost.

⁃ We post to the UK, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Channel islands, And all over uk

⁃ We post with Tracked 24,We have a 99% success rate but in the very rare occasion the parcel does not arrive, we will do one free reship after 10 working days of the parcel not arriving (THIS DOES NOT APPLY FOR TRACKING THAT STATES DELIVERED OR ATTEMPTED DELIVERY) 

we do deliver indoors and ship worldwide



⁃ All orders placed and payment cleared before 1pm Monday to Friday will be dispatched same day and should arrive the next day although royal mail are not always on time so please allow for 1-3 days not the same for outdoor delivery depends on country

⁃ Sometimes we dont  if the parcel does not arrive on the day it is supposed to. Then we will make it a top priority to check and send you the tracking.

⁃ We accept bank transfer (UK only) which incurs 10% charge
⁃ We occasionally switch bank accounts details. Double-check with us before sending money on Mail
⁃ Send us screenshot of the transaction after the transfer has been completed.
In case of any problems or confusion please contact us via Email

⁃ Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us here at Mrscholes420uk
All orders are sent out 100% stealth and smell proof in Secure and discreet plain packaging. There is no outside reference to Mrscholes420uk whatsoever.